Smart Questions, Smart Answers Print

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Smart Questions, Smart Answers !


Q : Where are you Servers located ?

A : Our Servers are located in 9 different locations of the world.


Q : Is Warez Linking / Legal Adult Sites Allowed ?

A : Yes, we allow Warez Linking & legal adult sites.


Q : Do you have a Money Back Guarantee ?

A : Yes, we have a 25-Day Money Back Guarantee on all our packages.


Q : What Payment Options you Accept ?

A : We Accept PayPal, Skrill, VISA/Master Cards, Payza, Perfect Money, EGOPay, OKPay (Bitcoin, Qiwi-VISA, CashU), Western Union/Moneygram and BankWire/Bank Transfers.


Q : How long it takes to Setup my Account ?

A : Your Account will be Setup instantly, however the maximum is 2 to 4 Hours (Because of creditcard verification).


Q : What about DMCA Complains ?

A : If we get any serious DMCA Complains we will forward it to You.


Q : Do you Support Free Site Transfers ?

A : Yes, we support Free Site Transfers (Remote Transfers - Root).

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